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Canadian Rodeo vs PBR BJ Kramps gives opinion after winning
BJ Kramps 84.5 on PBR bull Shock & Awe
2003 PBR Wreck of the year. BJ Kramps hangs up to Nevada Be
BJ Kramps in Alb NM riding Bad Bubba for 87.5 in 2004
BJ Kramps 86.5 point Bull ride on Red Alert 2004 PBR
Canadian Bull Rider BJ Kramps 82 points at Billings MT PBR
B.J. Kramps vs Fire Ball - 04 PBR Tacoma (87.5 pts)
BJ Kramps in Edmonton Alberta PBR
BJ Kramps at Philadelphia PA PBR bull stumbles
BJ Kramps biography interview
BJ KRAMPS on PBR Bull named Red Cloud Nampa ID
B.J. Kramps hung up - 04 PBR Nampa